Oran: The city of wonders!

oran picture 1

Imagine relaxing at glorious beaches, promenading along a majestic waterfront, embracing an incredibly uplifting vibe, practicing simple traditions with joyful and generous locals, discovering breathtaking history, exploring tremendous historical landmarks and creating lasting memories that are worth sharing.

Oran is a city with thousands of words, a city where sophistication meets heritage, and that’s why it should be the next destination you should plan for, so let’s dive in and let me guide you through its routes to tell you its story

History of Oran

Oran was created at the beginning of the 10th century by Andalusian merchants as a base for commerce with the North African hinterland, and it grew financially thanks to its maritime links with Europe. In 1437, it became the harbor for the North African kingdom of Tlemcen, as well as an entrepôt for commerce with Sudan. Oran received colonies of Spanish Muslims (Moors) fleeing compulsory conversion to Christianity in 1492 and 1502, respectively. Thereafter, its economy began to collapse, and, alongside Mers el-Kebir, it became a hub for pirates. It was seized by the Spanish in 1509. Oran was fought by numerous Mediterranean countries for the following two centuries until it succumbed to the Turks in 1708.

The frequent pirate incursions from Mers el-Kebir compelled Spain to reclaim Oran in 1732. After being devastated by an earthquake in 1790, the town was evacuated and restored to the Turks, who established a Jewish settlement there (in 1792). The French took over Oran in 1831, developing it as a modern port and turning Mers el-Kebir into a significant naval station.

The people of Oran

If there is one thing I should mention about the locals of Oran it would be their love for partying. they have a deep passion for joyful moments, Having fun, and dancing to the beat of their beloved music which is Rai music, another thing I would mention is that sometimes they may seem aggressive or angry even when they are saying something nice, so don’t panic it’s just their way of communicating.

people of oran

Best places to visit in Oran

With its long list of monuments and superb attractions, you’ll never get enough of Oran, so here’s an idea of some places you must visit when exploring the city:

Fort Santa Cruz oran

Fort Santa Cruz

If you’re a fan of peaceful attractions where you can relax and just admire the splendor of Oran city, I advise you to visit Fort Santa Cruz which is the most famous touristic spot in Oran. it was built by the Spanish in the 16th history after they conquered the Ottomans. it is advised to visit Fort Santa Cruz by car.

Waterfront oran


Walking along the waterfront in Oran is the best feeling ever, the panoramic view and the sensation of the sea breeze will motivate you to revisit Oran every time the memories of this tremendous experience cross your mind.

Place d’armes oran

Place d’armes

The heart of Oran where all Oran’s routes meet, Places d’armes, also known as Place du premier November, is located at a famous square that includes other famous landmarks such as the Opera house, Hotel de Ville, and the majestic lion status.
The center of the square is distinguished by a tall obelisk that honors Emir Abd EL Kader, one of Algeria’s greatest anti-colonial leaders.

Oran’s library

Oran’s library

You’ll be amazed by the fine art and the magnificent Byzantine architecture that you’ll first notice once you visit Oran’s biggest library, which was a catholic cathedral back in the past.

Mdina Jadida Market oran

Mdina Jadida Market

Vibrant souks and markets are a very vast part of Algerian culture, especially in Oran, walking between the crowds will make you feel alive and happy, and you will enjoy buying the freshest fruits and vegetables in this market, you can also shop for clothing and home decor at cheap prices, which made this market the perfect destination for all Algerians brides to prepare for their marriages.

Famous dishes of Oran

harira oran


Harira is widely used in the west of Algeria, especially in Oran, it is usually rich and flavorful. Harira is often cooked with pureed tomatoes, meat, and a variety of vegetables such as zucchini, carrots, potatoes, and onion. the addition of generous amounts of herbs, such as ginger and coriander assists to improve the flavor of this delicious soup. Harira is traditionally served with bread or Kessra and It is the main dish of Ramadan in Oran.

Karantika oran


Oran’s tastiest street food ever, you just cannot come to Oran without trying it, it is made of chickpeas flour, water, eggs, cooking oil, salt, and black pepper combined together and cooked in the oven, for the best experience try it with Harissa( hot sauce) and soda.

Oran’s traditional sweets

Here’s a list of Oran’s most famous sweets, it’s recommended to combine it with coffee or tea, so you can get a heavenly taste you’ll never forget:

kaak oran


mouna oran


Traditional outfit of Oran

The blusa

The blusa is a full-length garment with short sleeves that comes in several varieties, the most important and expensive of which is the wedding golden silk blusa known as the bluset-el-mensouj.

It is made of a handwoven traditional mensouj silk with golden and colored vertical stripes. Other varieties of the blusa may be found in other cities in the country’s west, such as buset-el-zaiim, blouzet-el-harrar, blouset-eddar, and so on.

blusa oran

Famous people from Oran

Ahmed Zabana oran

Ahmed Zabana

Ahmed Zabana was an Algerian rebel who took part in the Algerian War's breakout. On June 19, 1956, he was killed by guillotine in Algiers.

Youcef blaili oran

Youcef blaili

Mohamed Youcef blaili is an Algerian professional footballer who currently plays for Ligue 1 club Ajaccio and the Algeria national team.

Fun facts about Oran


What are the best hotels in Oran?

Some of the best hotels in Oran are:

  • Hotel les ambassadeurs
  • IBIRIS Hotel
  • Hotel Bay Oran

For bookings and more details visit their websites:

Is there an airport in Oran?

Yes, and it’s called “Ahmed Ben Bella Airport”.

Is there a port in Oran?

Yes, and it’s called ”The Port of Wahran” or “DZORAN”

Are there universities in Oran?

Yes, here’s a list of Oran's top universities:

  • National Polytechnic School of Oran
  • Normal Superior School of Oran
  • Energy and Electricity Superior School of Oran
  • Economy superior school of Oran
  • Biology superior school of Oran
  • Mohamed Boudiaf Science and technology university Of Oran
  • Ahmad ben bella University Oran 1
  • Mohamed ben Ahmed University Oran 2

Are there beaches in Oran?

yes, here’s our recommendation:

  • Madagh 1 Beach
  • Les andalouses  beach
  • Cap flacon beach
  • El Boukaa beach 
  • Ain EL Turk Beach

How is the weather in Oran?

Summers in Oran are short, warm, humid, and arid; winters are long, cold, and windy; and it is mainly clear all year. Throughout the year, the temperature normally ranges from 43°F to 86°F, with temperatures seldom falling below 36°F or rising over 94°F.

What is the time zone in Oran?

The Time zone in Oran is Central European Standard Time (GMT+1)

What is the zip code of Oran?

Oran’s zip code is 31000.

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